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Reading Slothfully

I was told in elementary school that I only could read at half the speed for success in college. Oh well, one benefit of slow reading is you get to live with the characters a longer period of time. I read in a vain attempt to better understand people. At my other homes, I'm known as a spouse, pop, guy in the choir, physical chemist, computer/web dilettante and child-care provider. In theory, I'm a published author, if you consider stuff like Quenching Cross Sections for Electronic Energy Transfer Reactions Between Metastable Argon Atoms and Noble Gases and Small Molecules to count as publications. I've strewn dozens of such fascinating things to the winds.

Currently reading

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas
Jules Verne
The Spirit of the Border
Zane Grey
Ramona the Brave (Ramona, #3)
Beverly Cleary
The Underground Man (Vintage Crime/Black Lizard)
Ross Macdonald
Delilah of the Snows
Harold Bindloss
Mrs. Miniver
Jan Struther
Betsy-Tacy Treasury (P.S.)
Maud Hart Lovelace
A Christmas Carol
Charles Dickens
The Way Some People Die
Ross Macdonald
Envy of Angels
Matt Wallace
June 2020
started following:
November 2019
reviewed: Wild Wives
I'm not sure why this was called Wild Wives. There's only a single "wild wife" in the book. Also a somewhat wild teenager. Wh...
Wild Wives - Charles Willeford
finished reading:
October 2019
reviewed: Ramona Quimby, Age 8 (Ramona, #6)
Well, I was "conned" into spending a few days in Queens, taking care of my 6-month old granddaughter, Ramona, while her paren...
Ramona Quimby, Age 8 (Ramona, #6) - Beveryly Cleary
finished reading:
October 2019
reviewed: Red Bones
This is the third of Anne Cleeves' tales of mystery in the Shetland Islands. The primary action occurrs on the Island of Whal...
Red Bones  - Ann Cleeves
finished reading:
September 2019
reviewed: Greenmantle
Well, this is one of those old thrillers from the British Empire that is also set during World War I, and is a kind of propag...
Greenmantle - John Buchan
finished reading:
September 2019
reviewed: The Cattle-Baron's Daughter
Well, this was kind of fun. We're in the early days out on the prairie. Although Bindloss is best known for books taking plac...
The Cattle-Baron's Daughter - Harold Bindloss
finished reading:
August 2019
reviewed: A Little Yellow Dog
This book is the one in the Easy Rawlins’ series that precedes Bad Boy Brawley Brown, the Moseley book I read first on vacati...
A Little Yellow Dog - Walter Mosley
reviewed: The Real Cool Killers (Harlem Cycle, #3)
This was a bit silly, and very rough. I don’t know if it portrays life in Harlem in the 1950s realistically or not. If so, we...
The Real Cool Killers (Harlem Cycle, #3) - Chester Himes
finished reading:
finished reading:
August 2019
reviewed: Bad Boy Brawly Brown
I read Walter Moseley to help me better understand issues related to race. His prime character, Easy Rawlins, has lots to say...
Bad Boy Brawly Brown - Walter Mosley
reviewed: Ramona and Her Mother (Ramona, #5)
Ramona, now 7 1/2, worries that her mother doesn’t much love her. It seems that her older sister, Beezus, is “her mother’s da...
Ramona and Her Mother (Ramona, #5) - Beverly Cleary
finished reading:
finished reading:
July 2019
reviewed: Ramona and Her Father (Ramona, #4)
Well, we're now at the fourth Ramona book. Ramona is in second grade. Her father loses his job, so her mother upgrades her pa...
Ramona and Her Father (Ramona, #4) - Beverly Cleary, Alan Tiegreen
finished reading:
July 2019
reviewed: The Fly on the Wall (Audio)
I've never "read" an audio book before. I was going to a handbell festival several hours away, and figured I could "read" thi...
The Fly on the Wall (Audio) - Tony Hillerman, Erik Bergmann
reviewed: Amelia Bedelia Chapter Book #1: Amelia Bedelia Means Business
So, we just hired ourselves a brand new pastor for our church. Her name is Emelia. Naturally, the thing that popped into my m...
Amelia Bedelia Chapter Book #1: Amelia Bedelia Means Business - Herman Parish, Lynne Avril
finished reading:
finished reading:
June 2019
finished reading:
finished reading:
finished reading:
April 2019
reviewed: The Red Pony
My spouse heard a piece of music on the radio by Aaron Copeland that had apparently been composed for a movie version of Stei...
The Red Pony - John Steinbeck
reviewed: The Distant Echo
For some reason, this book is listed as the first of the "Karen Pirie" series. I'd read one further along the line (#5, I thi...
The Distant Echo - Val McDermid
finished reading:
finished reading: