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Reading Slothfully

I was told in elementary school that I only could read at half the speed for success in college. Oh well, one benefit of slow reading is you get to live with the characters a longer period of time. I read in a vain attempt to better understand people. At my other homes, I'm known as a spouse, pop, guy in the choir, physical chemist, computer/web dilettante and child-care provider. In theory, I'm a published author, if you consider stuff like Quenching Cross Sections for Electronic Energy Transfer Reactions Between Metastable Argon Atoms and Noble Gases and Small Molecules to count as publications. I've strewn dozens of such fascinating things to the winds.

Currently reading

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas
Jules Verne
The Spirit of the Border
Zane Grey
Ramona the Brave (Ramona, #3)
Beverly Cleary
The Underground Man (Vintage Crime/Black Lizard)
Ross Macdonald
Delilah of the Snows
Harold Bindloss
Mrs. Miniver
Jan Struther
Betsy-Tacy Treasury (P.S.)
Maud Hart Lovelace
A Christmas Carol
Charles Dickens
The Way Some People Die
Ross Macdonald
Envy of Angels
Matt Wallace

Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen "For what do we live but to make sport for our neighbors, and to laugh at them in our turn?"

And so, here we are...

I dunno, what can one say about one of the great masterpieces of English literature. I know that my friend, Michael, an actual English teacher would be appalled by my characterization of Austen as a master of English literature, he's more taken by X-Men comix, but whenever I read Austen, I'm enthralled. I've read this book multiple times and seen at least three movie adaptations of the tale. It never fails to engage me.